
Alarm Systems

At DSS we have seen it all when it comes to alarms. From a basic burglar alarms to ones that send you notifications to your email or smart phone – Direct Security Services has you covered. We also offer a variety of different services to accommodate your specific needs:
Taking over existing systems if you are unhappy with your current security provider.
Installing a wireless system in your home
Adding a cell back-up to your existing system
We even pre-wire new homes that are under construction so that they can have an alarm put in once the house is built.
​If you are having a house built check out our home automation and home entertainment pages or call us to see how Direct Security Services is your one stop shop.
Access Control

Our access control system helps you control who can come in to your home or who can enter your office. We have a wide range of options including basic keypad entry, card access, advanced gate control systems, and even advanced biometric systems with facial recognition. Call us today and let our experts help advise you on what would be best for your unique situation.
Fire Systems

Fire systems are a necessity for homes and businesses. It takes only minutes for fires to spread to the point where lives are threatened. Fire is not the only danger: Carbon Monoxide (which is colorless, odorless and tasteless) along with other toxins can harm you as much as the actual fire. DSS offers many solutions in the fire safety area including system inspections, Carbon Monoxide detectors, and installation of a complete commercial fire system. No matter who does the work on your fire system they have to follow National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) standards. Here at DSS we take pride in doing our fire jobs right the first time.